Who We Are

Ramesh Agarwal, MD
Bengaluru is undoubtedly the most livable city
Bengaluru’s progression in the last three decades has been phenomenal and today, it is recognized as the most livable city in the country. From being a tranquil and laid back city to its transformation as the country’s IT hub has indeed brought about a sea change, making it a buzzing cosmopolitan. The shift in the ethnic mix given the influx of highly skilled, professional and varied population from across India and overseas makes Bengaluru one of the most sought after places to live in and hence a thriving real estate market. Sound Government policies, growing infrastructure, ample land parcels and conducive weather conditions are further reasons that make it the most favored place in the country.
Nitin Agarwal, Director
‘Maintaining ethics in our business is the underlying mantra in all we do’
In a tough and highly competitive industry like construction, what can indeed make one stand out is conformity to ethical business conduct. And this philosophy applies across all aspects of the business and one that we at SNN, strictly adhere to. Complying with every provision of the contract, complete transparency and accuracy in maintaining documentation; encouraging a culture of total compliance and ethical conduct among subcontractors and suppliers as well as placing stringent quality control and checks at various levels in the business ensures minimal errors and promotes confidence among all stakeholders.

Nikhil Agarwal, Director
We maintain focus on cutting edge building tech
The growth of new technologies in the construction industry have had significant impact on process and quality of construction and these will continue to promote the evolution of the business in future as well. New methodologies will impact composition of the workforce, requiring new and diverse skill sets as well as continued training programmes. At SNN, we maintain a forecast of new technologies and trends in construction and study their impact on our business while continuing to undertake new training methods necessary for upskilling of our workforce. As new efficiency codes continue to come into force, new construction technologies also continue to evolve.